Suggestions for ways to make money at home?
I know everyone wants to work at home, but I thought maybe someone really does and would be able to help. In short, I live in a city where finding a good job is impossible(honestly). I am about to have my second baby, and I want ANYTHING that I can do from home that is legit. Whether it's stuffing envelopes, doing something online. . Or maybe you have a suggestion for something I could make and sell? I just need ideas. Desperate situation. Thanks for your help! P.S. I live in New Mexico, and I don't need to get rich, I just need a small amount of income per month, maybe 200 extra dollars would do the trick!
Personal Finance - 5 Answers
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1 :
Mind a baby for another working mother, or provide a service where you collect a child from school at end of school day, give a meal and supervise until parents return from work. Tutor something - how to play a musical instrument or speak a foreign language. If you can, rent out a room or even parking space. Provide an ironing service.
2 :
There is a company called ChaCha that is based in Carmel, Indiana. They pay people to answer questions that cell phone users text into them. If you need extra money, this may be great for you. You should have no problems making $200.00 per month. Go to
3 :
If you would like to make extra money from home, I highly suggest taking surveys online and participating in focus groups in your area. That would easy get you to top the $200 mark depending on how much time and effort you put forth. To get started immediately making money with surveys with zero down with reliable companies, start here: I also suggest preparing a resume for yourself so that you can properly apply for work-at-home jobs. There are so many reputable companies looking for work-at-home contractors, they pay well, and some of them are top brands like uhaul or 1-800-flowers. I was hired by one and also do my surveys which includes product testing (free food & household goods to test and get paid for!) and interactive surveys on the side which is why I have more than enough money coming in to pay my rent and bills. I do not have to spend gas money nor do I have to deal with inconsiderate nazi bosses. My boss is respectful and decent and I'm not micromanaged. I love living and working this way! I feel liberated! Good luck!
4 :
Hi. I am an Independent Scentsy Consultant and currently work from home part time. I am currently building my team. It is a $99 investment, but you get more than that in the product kit. You are ready to go right out of the box. You can see my website if you are interested.
5 :
Hi Autumn, I totally understand your feeling of needing to make a little bit extra each month. You might try the system that I use to generate extra income. The free ebook you can get on my source site explains how the system works. Best of Luck, James