How would Mexico and Mexican citizens react if...?
say 12-15 million desperate Chinese started to come in waves in search of better economic opportunity, liberties they don't have at home, etc. They promise to only do jobs that Mexican citizens won't do and somehow will do them for less than the Mexicans (who suppossedly won't do them anyway). They are so desperate to get to Mexico, they don't follow the proper immigration channels and work/exist "illegally" in their new home; they don't pay most taxes since they are paid under the table but since they are the most needy of services, they rely on govt services the most. These immigrants are happy to be making money and taking care of themselves, family and community but many don't see any need to learn the language or to change any of their cultural traits. They'll happily live as they were with their previous traditions in their own communities- basically transplanting themselves, communities, and ways of live while basically trying to "assimilate" with mainstream Mexican culture. mmiller- this IS a complicated issue and I only point to Mexico here because the US is on the receiving end of Mexico's economic troubles. How is it stereotyping to examine what would happen if Mexico happened to be on the receiving end of a similar dynamic? How is it stereotyping anyone to question how another government and it's citizens would react to this situation. Americans seem to be racist for having reasons against open/illegal immigration yet to question how other countries would react is also racist? odii odii- those of Mexican descent that remained after America's war/conquest/purchase of the Southwest became and are as much American citizens as anybody else here; those of European descent that came to the US in masses the last couple centuries all immigrated to the US legally under the immigration policies of the time whereas much recent immigration in the Southwest has in fact been illegal to American land under American law.
Immigration - 15 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Hey!! You're being racist! he he he... Don't use logic on the idiots. But, I guess you can look at Mexico's official policy by what they do at their *SOUTHERN* border...
2 :
They wouldn't go to mexico...china still better off than mexico and if they do go elsewhere, it would be to Canada...and the lady above is he being a racist? YOU'RE stupid and ignorant. IDIOT!! It's already happening here with the mexicans. DO YOU EVEN KNOW OF THE SITUATION I CALIFORNIA??? Go cut yourself!
3 :
I don't know, I'm not Mexican, but I am sure that no one can speak on behalf of all Mexicans. Every Mexican would react differently.
4 :
Good question. But a long swim.
5 :
This would not happen in Mexico. Just ask Quatamalens who have entered Mexico illegally how they were treated. The illegals, and the ones that support them expect this country to do for them what their own country will not. And they call us racist.
6 :
I say go for it hahahahha all the mexicans are here anyways
7 :
So is there a real question in here or are you just standing on the stump here spouting all this stereotypical nonsense. This is a complicated problem. Fortunately there are mature discussions and better questions posed on this topic here already. You should go find one and read a lot more before you ask a question here.
8 :
They probably wouldn't care .... they'd continue sending their own citizens across our borders, and send the Chinese after them ... :)
9 :
I heard in Mexico, they can shoot you if you cross into their border! I don't know if that's true. It wouldn't matter if the Chinese went to Mexico because there are no Mexicans there to complain! They are all in the USA!!! ha ha ha. I would LOVE to see some other country that is completely different from Mexico go there & change thier way of life. Maybe all Americans should move to Mexico & start over (it's warmer there! lol)
10 :
there actually are a lot of asians in the big cities like mexico city and they are taking up a lot of jobs and offering cheaper prices for their products and taking out the mexicans. Not as bad as the Mexicans here in the US but its still happening. Well its not really the Mexicans they are taking out, more like the Indians the Mexicans pushed away and sent to live far away.....a lot of indians make business by selling hand made stuff and the chinese are selling their stuff for way cheaper and its stuff that wasn't hand made unlike the indios. Besides, what would u do if here in the U.S. the minimum wage was like 5 bucks a day and then down the border in mexico the minimum wage was $7/hour. i'm sure u would go to mexico. but believe me i don't think u would be happy cuz mexicans are soooo racist.
11 :
They would riot, burn tires, protest, destroy eveything in sight then blame America for it all and then they will simply come here demand everything under the sun, it's all about Mexico, right ?.
12 :
They should be glad to have them! It would motivate the economy. And none of them would dream of being on public assistance. They would learn Spanish right away, (they already speak English and several dialects of Chinese). It would be great for the moral fiber of the country if they DID NOT loose some of their traditions. Win -Win in my perspective.
13 :
You forgot that an important part of southern US was Mexican until the middle of the 19th century. All the people there were native and even if the borders changed, mexican people remained, spread and of course called the others to join. Be sure that not all the mexicans (about 107,449,525 heads) are wanting to cross the border...nor wish to live in the US. Those who need to do that are only poor people that want to improve their lives and this is their right. Like poor Irish, poor Greek, poor English did in the 17th Century. Why do you think that you have the right of doing so and not the others who have not your culture? Why should I do the things you do? You are sharply criticising Mexican and of course Cubans, Salvadorian, Guatemalans, Ecuadorians, etc, but why don't you criticise all the other cultures (I won’t talk about Jewish) that are too proud to keep their own cultures and do not adopt "the American way of life"? Is this going to be another reason for making and spreading wars like the Americans do ? You should revise your history books and the Declaration of the Human Rights.
14 :
Mexico treats illegal immigrants very badly. How does Mexico treat its illegals? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted: April 6, 2006 1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2006 Laurence A. Elder "We can't infringe upon the right of people to move freely within our territory," said Mexican President Vicente Fox during President George W. Bush's recent visit. Earlier, Fox said he stood by the statement he previously made to the BBC: "I dare say that in 10 years, the U.S. will be begging, will be pleading with Mexico to send it workers." Does Mexico practice what it preaches? First, Mexico put its military and police forces on its porous, zigzagged, mountainous, crime-ridden southern border with Guatemala. Chiapas – the South Carolina-sized southern Mexican state that shares the longest border with Guatemala – is Mexico's poorest, most illiterate state. About Chiapas, one United Nations human rights commissioner said, "Mexico is one of the countries where illegal immigrants are highly vulnerable to human rights violations and become victims of degrading sexual exploitation and slavery-like practices, and are denied access to education and health care." Typically, when Mexican authorities catch illegal aliens, they place them overnight in a detention center, then bus or fly them back to their country of origin. Despite the fact that Mexico militarized its border and deported 203,128 illegal immigrants in 2004, many illegals get through by bribing corrupt military and police. Do Mexicans appreciate the way America has allowed so many poor, Mexican illegals to enter the United States? No. According to a recent Zogby poll, 73 percent of Mexicans call Americans "racist"! When asked whether the United States' wealth comes from freedom and "plenty of opportunity to work," 70 percent of Americans agreed, while only 22 percent of Mexicans agreed. Sixty-two percent of Mexicans said America became wealthy because "it exploits others' wealth." While Americans, according to the poll, see Mexicans as hard-working (78 percent), Mexicans think of Americans as racist, intolerant and not very hard-working. Racist? Mexico should look in the mirror. According to the Houston Chronicle's Rachel Graves, around the turn of the 17th century, Mexico imported more African slaves than anywhere else in the New World. As a result, tens of thousands of blacks (no one knows for sure – the Mexican census does not recognize them) live in Mexico, mostly in destitute villages in its poorest states. An estimated 30,000 to 40,000 blacks live in Costa Chica. How do they fare? According to the Houston Chronicle, many are illiterate, struggling to get a decent education for their children from government schools. One Costa Chica missionary says, "The kids here are considered by their teachers to be largely unteachable." When stopped by the police, Mexican blacks are often instructed to sing the Mexican national anthem to prove their citizenship! If so many Mexicans consider Americans racist, why do polls show that nearly half of Mexico's inhabitants say that their lives would improve if they could work here illegally? Intolerant? America legally accepts about 1 million immigrants per year, with perhaps as many as 12 million people living here illegally, about half of whom come from Mexico. Many estimate that 500,000 or more people enter the country illegally every year. California Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante is Hispanic. So is the man who holds the powerful position of speaker of the California Assembly. Los Angeles, America's second-largest city, has a Hispanic mayor, and of the 54 members of California's congressional delegation, nine are Hispanic. The former governor of California once proposed granting driver's licenses to illegals. And in California, under some circumstances, an illegal alien can apply for the cheaper in-state college tuition. Many predict the Hispanic governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson, former Clinton Cabinet member, will run for president. Not very hard-working? According to the International Labor Organization, Americans work more than almost anybody in the developed world, including Japan. The average American worked 1,824 hours in 2004, compared with the Spanish at 1,799 and the French at 1,441 hours. The Dutch put in even less – working 25 percent fewer hours than Americans. President Bush, against the wishes of many in his own party as well of half of all Americans, makes the reasonable case for a guest worker program that would allow or provide some sort of legal status for those living here illegally. Latino "activists" do that cause harm by staging protests and waving the Mexican flag and demanding their "rights." For example, Juan Jose Gutierrez of Latino Movement USA says, "We think that the right thing to do is to grant full rights, full equality, under the laws in the Constitution of the United States, to all immigrants, period." Americans raise legitimate concerns about the competition illegals pose to unskilled labor, and that illegals cut in front of people
15 :
According to Mexico's illegal immigration policy, it would just deport them like they do all of the other illegal immigrants coming in from Central/South America